August 11, 2006

I love you Mom!

12th of August not just another day for Thailand. It's Queen's Birthday as well as mother's day. So most of the Thais will take this time today just loving their mommy, spend time with her and bless her for year ahead. Also to celebrate Birthday to the Queen. "Long live the Queen!!!" kind of thing...

Talk about my Mom and I, it has been a long journey. Many people would not understand how hard it was for me to have a mom that not quite normal as other moms out there. My mom has suffered from some sort of mental illness which make her behaviour really weird and sometime hard to handle with. Her world is just what she's seen in the past, those memory that she hold it dear and never let go as the time go on. She only believe in what she saw...can you imagine? Even my dad has passed away formany good years...until today she still don't believe it! Instead, she took it as my dad has left us.....of course it's quite true...yeah in the sense he left us....forever from the face of the earth....

Now I have to tell you this....She has been like this since I was born....(I guess even long before I was born) So to grow in this kind of relationship that I have with my mom was really hard. I couldn't know how to handle her, how to show her I love her and care for her. Instead, I felt so irritated, disturbed bu her behaviour, worse of the worse I felt so ashame of having a mom like this. Sad to say but it's true...

Now I'm 25 year of age. I've been grown...a changed man...My papa God had dealed with all this issues in my I learned to love her no matter what...I forgave her for what she's done to me in the past and I asked her for forgiveness. Even as I type this thing I'm thinking to myself, God is so good....though the enemy tried to destroy me via my family but it didn't work! My God has protected me all these years...He shapes my character to be strong, be patient and loving no matter what...My God is indeed so good. Though I live in the foreign land, far away from home. But my love will go beyond all the boundaries and reach to my mom's heart. I can't wait to see her once again..really...

I love you Mom....
Happy Mother's day everyone....

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