August 24, 2005

The lost art of Sabbath

When God created all the wonderful and marvelous creation in the universe inculding us, He did it for 6 days and on the seventh day...He took rest. If you think carefully, As human as us...try to work so hard, busy and busy and busy...many people busy at work until forget the art of resting anymore.. We try to over do more than God in the sense...Hmmm..Are u try to beat God by working more than Him? well...all those fellow busy people (like myself) listen to this....Don't get into the trap of busy-ness but rather find peace in the art of sabbath (rest). I say this to myself as well... I have been very busy working 7 days a week (sounds crazy right?) but yeah it is...5 days in the office, weekend in really tough to really have time to rest and spend with the Lord by just spend time alone to be with Him like I once have before. I need to really remind myself that I'm not God. I can't do this...I need to gain a strength and wisdom from God to do all this things. I try to set aside some times in each day to be alone with God. That's how I take rest in the midst of all busy-ness. Well...when i talking about seventh day, for me it's not necessary means Sunday. Well I mean a portion of time that you set it aside to rest from work and stuff to be at the feet of Jesus and have fellowship with Him.

Jesus Himself told the disciple the key of being fruitful in the ministry in John 15. "Abide in me....and you will bear much fruit.....apart from me, you can do nothing..." Rather saying "Go and work hard, so that your fruit will bear more" he said "Abide in me!" Just spend time with me, be with me...and you will bear fruit that last....Jesus Himself is the one who make the fruit mutiply...not our own effort. We must understand this principle and live it out....

Don't lose the art of Sabbath...Abide in the Lord... Don't be B.U.S.Y (Be Under Satan's Yoke)

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